It’s not a secret that women everywhere are in love with the Duchess of Sussex’s style. Between this existence a site completely dedicated to Meghan’s style (hello!) and the inimitable “Meghan Effect”, a glimpse of the style of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex is something we all want to see reflected in the mirror when we get dressed in the morning.

While we can lust over Meghan’s closet and the gorgeous clothes in it, there is no denying that many (if not all of us) can not afford to keep up with the Duchess – nor should we. Finding budget-friendly ways to incorporate Meghan’s style and seeking inspiration from it is the name of the MirrorMeg game – and we couldn’t help but notice when we started to see some amazing looks on the instagram account of @ThriftingLikeARoyal on Instagram.

Mackenzie is known for finding amazing ways to MirrorMeg looks by thrifting, which has led her to amazing deals like a tuxedo dress inspired by Meghan’s for only $14 or a twirly floral dress like MM’s for only $7.99. Her motto is to stay “royally trendy on a budget” and she absolutely does – like this black suiting look.

If you’ve ever wondered about how Mackenzie scores some of her best thrifting deals… You weren’t alone. We reached out to the stylish New Englander and asked her for her essential thrift tips to dress like a Duchess – and she was kind enough to share them with us.
Don’t be afraid to shop the men’s section.
The men’s section is my go-to place to get the Duchess of Sussex’s button-up. You’ll find great striped looks or light linen pieces. If it feels like you would swim in a men’s shirt, look for the “slim cut.” Those naturally tailor better to a woman’s body.

Some of our favourite of Meghan’s Button-Ups
Seek out a good quality blazer
Both the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex love a blazer. Whether it’s paired with a basic jean or a dress, it instantly polishes a look. There are plenty of good options at the thrift store but the key is to check the inside of the blazer. If the inside has quality stitching and textile, you know you’ve found a keeper!

Some of our favourite of Meghan’s Blazers
Get the staples
There a few staples that our royal ladies love. Striped shirts, midi dresses, black jeans, and nude pumps. All of these items can be found at the thrift in abundance. Having an abundance might seem overwhelming but that just means that you’ll have a better chance of finding something that works for you.

Some of our favourite of Meghan’s Basics
Go in with inspiration
I love to go into the thrift store with a goal picture in mind. It helps me focus what I’m looking for; otherwise, I would stay for hours searching through racks. Knowing what you want helps you avoid buying anything and everything just because it’s cheap.

Some of our favourite of Meghan’s Florals
Consider your personal style and body shape
I have a very different body type than both duchesses which means the clothes they wear will likely not be flattering on me. I use their look as inspiration – the patterns, lengths, pieces, fabrics, etc. – and then I find a silhouette that best suits my own style and body.

Don’t get discouraged
There is a lot to see at the thrift store and sometimes it can be overwhelming. If you have a goal in mind, a set budget, and a set time frame, you’ll be good to go!

Be sure to follow Mackenzie on Instagram @ThriftingLikeARoyal to see more of her future MirrorMeg styles… We know we can’t wait to see them.
I’m heading right over to her instagram site! And over to our local thrift shop! Thanks for the great inspiration ❤️
I too am now a follower of her Instagram. Its amazing how she has been able to come with “the goods”, the similarities in some of the pieces is nothing short of amazing. She definitely has a real talent for this. Thank you so much for sharing
Wow, thanks. This Instagram account is so much fun and very instructive and inspiring. Thrifing Royally like a Duchess, but on a budget is really cool! I was on MacKenzie’s site and I noticed this outfit Meghan is wearing that I haven’t seen before: Perhaps it is one of the outfits Meghan wore on Suits? Can you by chance offer any details about this striped navy & white top with blazer and skirt, plus the bag? Duchess Meghan is indeed the Queen of bags, totes, clutches and shoes! Meghan also understands her body and she’s usually very spot-on about how to dress her body! I have some fave iconic Meghan looks and now that I’ve noticed on MM a couple of casual Meghan outfits I haven’t seen before, I’m curious regarding the provenance and details. For eg., the Meghan outfit you posted to introduce this feature is obviously pre-Harry, but where was she (in a boutique?); what was the year and the occasion? Can you provide details about what she’s wearing?