This morning, Meghan appeared on Good Morning America to talk about her role in Disneynature’s documentary ‘Elephants’.
The interview, filmed last summer, talks about Meghan’s involvement in the film.
Meghan’s look – or what we saw of it, anyway! – was professional and featured pieces we had seen before.
Shirt: Misha Nonoo for Smartworks White Shirt
Necklace: Suetables Horoscope Necklace

Love Meghan’s look today? We asked the team to come up with some of their favourite #MirrorMeg options:
Coming soon!
What did you think of Meghan’s look for GMA?
I know the decision to step back from royal life complicates your coverage, and I admire how you have handled the transition. Feel free NOT to publicly post this note and respond to me privately. I’m simply interested in your perspective.
Given today’s announcement that Meghan and Harry will provide “no corroboration and zero engagement” with The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror or The Express – in part due to coverage that is “invasive beyond reason” – I wonder if it’s time to stop including these images on your web site. Several of your recent posts are based on photos originally captured or paid for by the Daily Mail. They are certain to create traffic for those publications so your readers can see additional shots, which increases the advertising rates – exactly what Meghan and Harry said they are trying to avoid. I’m a huge fan of your site and its respectful coverage, but I’m interested in your perspective on the implications of this latest move by the Sussexes. It seems to suggest a new, more limited approach, even to fashion coverage of Meghan in her private life. Shouldn’t photos funded by sources they themselves are cutting off be omitted from your coverage? If not, why not? Thank you for considering my inquiry.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for taking the time to comment – and for the great question.
You’ve hit right on a topic we’ve been pondering here at MM for a few weeks. How do we handle balancing the public interest in Meghan that exists, and forms the basis our coverage, with the wishes of the Sussexes to not be associated with the types of media outlets that seem to be at the heart of recent shots.
To be quite honest, we’re not sure.
We think invasive paparazzi images can be dangerous and intrusive, especially when paired with commissioning by an outlet which challenges accurate narratives. We have been involved in situations with these outlets where our own comments have been taken out of context and used as ‘pull quotes’ to frame a negative narrative about Meghan, so we – on a very small scale – appreciate what the Sussexes are asking for in not working with them any longer.
On the other hand, for media outlets (which for a moment we will lump ourselves into) the decision to not cover images like these can result in loss of readership, revenue and reputation – all of which form the basis of our existence. Many of the images in question have been purchased by hundreds of media outlets around the world. As an example, we have chosen to not publish certain photographs in the past only to have hundreds (!) of comments, emails and messages asking us to confirm or identify clothing from them.
We’ve pondered if using stock images of Los Angeles, for example, instead of the candid shots of Harry and Meghan, would be a more palatable way to provide the fashion coverage without using the images – but the truth of the matter would be that we’d still be looking at and consuming the content in order to provide the details. We’ve pondered not covering the material at all. However, when we get hundreds (not joking, hundreds) of messages about a topic the interest from people in Meghan – and Meghan’s clothes specifically in our case – given our platform, we are very challenged in not responding.
We are quite sure that Meghan and Harry are well aware of the intense media interest in them, and in the paparazzi culture that exists within Los Angeles. In the US, images taken in the public domain (aka outdoors), are allowable under paparazzi laws as you having no expectation of privacy. We obviously can’t comment on their behalf, but they must be somewhat cognizant of the “risk” they take in being out and about in LA as two of the most famous people in the world and the continued public interest in them.
Long story short – we’re not sure what the best way forward is, and continue to have discussions about it. We really appreciate your thoughtful question and comment and through discussions with our readers like you, we hope to find a balance that works for everyone. We’d love to continue to chat about it with you – or anyone – who would like to. We can continue here, or you can always email us at [email protected]
Thanks for being a reader, and again for asking such a great question.
Amanda & Christine