Now that the Royal Wedding is over (and gifts have all been delivered), it’s time for the thank you notes to begin! And given Meghan’s past life as a calligrapher (True story! Keep reading!) it’s likely she’ll want to write at least some of them herself. But does Meghan really love hand-written notes, or were they just a way to make money while auditioning as an actress?

Image via the Tig
Luckily for us, Meghan Markle herself shared that she loves handwritten notes on the Tig! Meghan shared not only why she loves handwritten notes, but some of her favourite cards to do so with on the Tig back in 2014.
With the Tig having shut down, we were saddened that several years of archives – including amazing tips from Meghan herself on her fashion & beauty choices – would be lost to the depths of the internet. We were able to track down the archives and today we’re sharing them with you in today’s instalment of the Meghan’s Mirror Tig Throwback Thursdays series.
So what does Meghan think of a handwritten letter? She laid it out pretty clearly on the Tig:
Picture your day thus far. You woke up and checked your email, which included one from The TIG. You texted your friends, and played catch up, not even fully using words, but instead with stylized cartoonish graphics that have somehow made the leap from schoolgirl favored to middle aged appropriate (cha cha-ing dancer & jazz hands, anyone?). I use them too, but it’s not lost on me that the emoji of it all is kinda random, right? Then there’s Twitter and Instagram, the direct messages and comment boards — the constant carpel tunnel inducing typing, and hunching over a phone/a laptop/an “i”anything, so much so that life (that connection) is all done through a device. I’m admittedly a Luddite (ironic considering I’m now the girl with a lifestyle website, I know), but if given the option between fingers to keyboard, or pen to paper, I will always choose the latter. Because amongst the throwback things that I love (a ’62 porsche speedster à la Dylan McKay in 90210, a bevy of Vargas girls, a Busby Berkeley film, or cooking over a charcoal grill), what trumps all is my love of writing (and receiving) a handwritten note.

Image via the Tig
So what does Meghan love most about the handwritten letter?
…I can’t write this impartially. I am a gal who just loves getting mail. Oh my god, I absolutely relish it. I know my mailman’s name, I race to the door when mail comes (usually just fliers or bills), but I always hold out hope that there will be a letter. A sweet letter. And that I will have the tactile experience of un-creasing the paper, reciting the words, and holding someone’s thoughts in my hands.
All this leads us to think that she would LOVE to get a letter from you – and will be reading several of the millions of thank you cards arriving on the heels of the Royal Wedding – and we thought we’d share some of her favourite stationery pieces. Perhaps #1, below, would be for celebrating a wedding? 😉
First, we LOVE these pens she has shared – they’re by a brand called Iomoi, and are still available at Parker Thatch. Love Meghan’s picks and want to pick some up yourself? The first option was by G.Lalo stationery with champagne glasses (62803L) and is no longer available, and all the rest are from Iomoi, a custom stationery store which has unfortunately gone out of business. Here are some of our other favourite Meghan-inspired picks!
Thanks for asking if you should keep the TIGTBT posts MM, I vote for keeping them. Personally, I had never heard of Meghan Markle before the news broke that she was dating Harry and sadly never read The Tig, so this is a nice way to get to know the real Meg, her thoughts, likes and dislikes. In fact if anyone knows of any other similar blogs (fashion, travel, beauty, etc) please let me know as I’ve discovered I have a fondness for them.
This is a great post MM! I have long kept a box of note cards at home and at my office, just so I can dash off a quick Thank You note or a “how are you doing” letter at a moments notice. I agree with Meghan that there is nothing quite like that moment when you receive a letter or card via old fashioned snail mail. My sister and I have a habit of sending funny birthday cards to each other all year long and any day I receive one from her is instantly a good day. Unfortunately my handwriting is no where near as nice as Meghan’s (never has been), I don’t know if trying calligraphy would help, does anyone here practice calligraphy? Thanks again for a fun post!
MM, do you know what pens Meghan is referring to above?
Yes, definitely keep the Tip TBT posts!
Second the pen question? What pens are these? They seem to have an eraser.
They are still available here – so cute!
Yes, they are by Iomoi and still available here!
MM does not write in calligraphy. She doesn’t use a calligraphy pen. I don’t know what her writing is. I’ve been writing in calligraphy for 39 years.
Love this post and your interpretation of #tbt
I meant the Tig, silly autocorrect!
I don’t know if her writing is actually calligraphy because that would mean the use of a special pen dipped in ink. The invitation envelopes for her wedding to Prince Harry were addressed by a proper calligrapher. I a wondering what type of pen she used for her invitation writing gig. I think she worked for Robin Thicke and Paula Patton’s wedding (sadly their marriage has since ended).
I was able to access her blog before it was shut down; I think it provided an interesting look at the pre-Duchess Meghan. Plus I am addicted to blogs!
I think the throwback Tig blogs are great. I really like the way MM keeps giving us handy posts which fill in the background about Meghan without having to work too hard! As it happens the latest batch of notelets are pictures of Meghan, being produced by royal photographer Mark Steward who I follow on Facebook. They’re lovely quality.
I admire Meghan’s calligraphy skills and share Deborah’s puzzlement over what kind of pen and ink she might have used as it often involves using special pen nibs for effect. I dabbled in a little calligraphy myself in early teens. I’d read a magazine article about character-reading from handwriting and didn’t like the character they thought my then backward-sloping round hand denoted, so I decided to change it haha. I’ve been all italic ever since, with just the occasional flourish!!
That first par should have read ‘my latest batch of notelets’. Lousy typist!
Unfortunately it is rare to get letters these days, twitter, text messages, email. Nothing better than finding a letter in the post. I had a friend only recently tell me she struggles to find lovely writing paper now. Meghan’s hand writing is lovely.
Yes, please keep them up…
I love reading about Meghan before she became a Royal…..& for sure posts from her Tig
will make us admire Meghan more,,..
Truly blessed to have known Meghan thru her writing….love you Meghan…
What an inspiring & incredible woman you are….
amazing!! only a word that would describe her handwriting.