It’s no secret that Meghan is a strong advocate of a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s her love of yoga practice, her eating habits or her thoughts around mental health, she’s always espoused the values of living well and the overall impact it can have on a person. There are many different articles and archives in which Meghan has shared her thoughts in her past often through collaborations or directly on The Tig. We loved hearing all about the ways in which Meghan stays healthy – and have several of them to share with you from one such collaboration.

Image via The Tig
With the Tig having shut down, we were saddened that several years of archives – including amazing tips from Meghan herself on her fashion & beauty choices – would be lost to the depths of the internet. We were able to track down the archives and today we’re sharing them with you in today’s special instalment of the Meghan’s Mirror Tig Throwback Thursdays series.
MM talks Food
Meghan shared that she always always starts her day with a nutritious breakfast. Specifically, she shared that the start of her day featured dishes like a Clean Cleanse vanilla shake with blueberries, an acai bowl with fresh berries or manuka honey and bee pollen – which she stated was her “… absolute favorite”

Image via EyeSwoon
Meghan also shared that she is not one to restrict herself when it comes to food. If you’ve seen her love of pastas or red wine you’ll see she definitely indulges now and again. In fact, Meghan’s food philosophy is that “It’s all about the balance”, a statement she backs up by also sharing that she loves to have healthy snacks on hand. She shared that once a week, she made a large batch of roasted cauliflower with chickpeas and hot curry powder. The healthy mixture “finds its way into my salads, or as a side dish that I constantly nibble.”
MM talks Drinks
That smoothie Meghan mentioned as part of her healthy breakfast is not just a unique blend – she shares that she often mixes up the recipe, doing the same thing with frozen mango, a squeeze of lime, swapping the cinnamon for turmeric and just using coconut water. She shared her base smoothie recipe as a starting point.

Image via EyeSwoon
And no sugary sodas for MM! She shared that she always has Pellegrino with lime, or a big Mason jar of filtered water on hand throughout the day.
MM talks Restaurants
Would Meghan Markle ever fall under the spell of fast food? Nope. Her version of fast food is… green juice. Meghan shared “…[it]’s fast. And it’s food. It’s been many moons since I went through a drive thru.”

Image via Meghan Markle Instagram
She also has some great advice about when you are eating out and indulging to do it thoughtfully and invariably with more intention.
Take your time. Order your starters and have a glass of wine, and then see how hungry you are before you order your next course. It’s a great way to enjoy dining in general… pacing yourself and enjoying your food without rushing through it and you’ll inadvertently eat less. Alternatively, I would say one of the best tips would be to put your phone away. It’s healthy to be present. Everything can wait.
MM talks Medicine Cabinets
What products does Meghan turn to when she’s stocking her medicine cabinet? She shared that she always has “tea tree oil, neurofen, bandaids, yoga balm, and Honest Company’s Organic Healing Balm” on hand to treat any ailments that may come up.

Image via Best Health Magazine
She also shared her supplement routine: Magnesium, B-12 drops, multivitamin and a Cortisol Manager before bed. And if she needs a little energy boost? She shared that “Sometimes ashwaganda makes it into the mix too!” And if she’s curious about how to fix herself up, she turns to handy reference book – Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Meghan shared that this piece of advice is mom approved, saying that her mom gives her an updated version every time it comes out.
MM talks Rituals
While most of us aren’t on TV like Meghan was nor do we have the spotlights of international photographers zooming in on our every appearance, Meghan’s skin wellness rituals are ones that could be turned into parts of your everyday routine. At the time of the interview, Meghan shared that she would sit in an infrared sauna and sweat out all the toxins once a week. Meghan has also been a longtime believer in acupuncture and cupping, sharing that “acupuncture and Eastern medicine absolute changed my life.”

Image via Meghan Markle Instagram
She also shared that regular facials were key in her life as an actress. She swears by “A facial with Nicola Joss where she literally sculpts your face from the inside out – the most bizarre and rejuvenating facial of all time when a woman has her hands in your mouth. Hurts so good!”
MM talks Positivity & References
One of th hardest things about kicking off or living a healthy lifestyle can be getting encouragement to keep it up if those around you are following different paths. Meghan shared that it has been key for her to surround herself with people who live a healthy lifestyle as it rubs off on her.
And we love this quote that Meghan shared about the power of positive thinking.
“Thoughts become things, so it’s important to stay as positive as possible. It’s crazy how it trickles into everything in your life.”
This article uses tips & quotes that Meghan Markle shared in a 2015 collaboration between The Tig and Chalkboard Magazine.
Thanks for sharing! Great tips for healthy living.
Love the juxtaposition of yoga pose and then the pose in 6-inch stilettos! If she cares so much about health and practices yoga why does she insist on wearing the highest of heels even during her pregnancy?
How??? Is that related?? I don’t understand your logic at all… she can care about being healthy and still wear high heels. High heels are uncomfortable sure, but they aren’t detrimental to one’s health. And Meghan has stated she prefers wearing flats, but royal women are generally expected to wear heels. But honestly, she can wear whatever she wants and deserves to do so without being criticized.
She can totally wear what she wants but your statement about high heels not being detrimental to one’s health is actually inaccurate. They have been proven to cause all kinds of problems with your spine, extremities, and feet. I myself have bunions from wearing high heels for work for years, and one of my friends had to have serious foot surgery from wearing heels too. Flats are now my friends 🙂
actually I have plantar fascistic and my podiatrist told me flats are my enemy because I need some height to not stretch the ligament so much.
so to each her own!
I think it’s the luck of the draw. My first pair of heels was a kitten heel at age 14. Got to 6” as I got older, no problem with my feet to this day, I now wear lower heels because of my knee which has nothing to do with wearing heals
What has wearing heels whilst pregnant got to do with a healthy lifestyle? I did and had 2 healthy babies, Victoria beckham did and she had 4, so I dont really see what your pint.
Like your Tig Throwback Thursdays series! I’m planning on trying Meghan’s smoothie recipe this weekend and look for that book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Since I like avocados I tried Meghan’s Avocado Toast recipe that was mentioned in your post about Daniel Martin – it was delicious!
Love these tips! Especially the book referral Prescription for Nutritional Healing. and her tip about ordering drinks and a starter first, before ordering an entree. It’s such a nice way to think about dining 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
I love these types of articles! Great tips. It just proves that when you take care of yourself from the inside out, it shows in all that you do. No wonder the Duchess has looked so fabulous throughout her pregnancy and has been able to rock those beautiful high heels, all that yoga and healthy, clean living has certainly paid off!! I especially love her quote, “Thoughts become things, so it’s important to stay as positive as possible. It’s crazy how it trickles into everything in your life.” I would also say that not only the things that we think but also the things that we say and write. When we continue to say negative things about others, it will absolutely turn you into a very unhappy, miserable person.
I agree Shersha, that continuing to say/think/write negative things about others will turn one into a unhappy person. I say this because I know it first hand. For quite some time I spent time reading critical articles about a specific person and writing comments that were, to put it lightly, not kind. Over time I began to notice a change within myself, negative thoughts invaded every area of my life, judgement of others became second nature and being critical was as natural as breathing. Once I noticed what was happening, it took some time to wean myself from this site and even longer to turn my thinking around. Today, negative thoughts do rear their ugly heads from time to time but instead of putting those thoughts to words I take a deep breath and focus on something positive. This is the first time I’ve ever admitted to anyone about that dark side of my past behavior but I hope that someone might read this and maybe see something in themselves that they might not have noticed before and take the first step to becoming a happier person.
Dear Lauri, I will start off by saying how brave you are for this admission! Thank you so very much for sharing this with us. You don’t know how many other lives that you will impact for the good by sharing your story. I will divulge that I come from a clinical psychology background and started off my career in the mental health field so I know first hand how vital our mental health is. Helping others to live a mentally and physically healthy life has been my lifelong passion and work. I also know both professionally and personally the detrimental effects on one’s mental and physical health that the continuous thinking, reading, writing and saying things that are negative about others is . It will absolutely destroy you if you are not careful. A favourite scripture of mine is ( I am respectful that not everyone reads the Bible) Proverbs 23:7: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”, which goes back to the Duchess’s quote on thinking. It is truly a battlefield of the mind to keep out the negative and detrimental thoughts and is something that every single one of us have to deal with on a daily basis. You are on the right track by staying away from those media outlets and sites that encourage hate and animosity against others. Meghan’s Mirror is the only blog on the Duchess that I follow and it is largely due to the author’s of this great blog who have done a fantastic work in keeping this forum a healthy place to continue to follow the Duchess and her fashion. I also love how you said that when negative thoughts come, you take a deep breath and focus on something positive. I have counselled others (and myself) by recommending to do just that. Take a deep breath and think of what you are going to say, how will it impact the other person and yourself eventually? I also always add, if you were face to face with that person, would you be able to say what you are thinking of them or what you are going to write to their face? If the answer is no, then a change of course is in order. Lauri, once again, thank you so much for your story. You are truly a courageous, brave woman!
Were you spending too much time on celebitchy? That happened to me.
Ugh! I know what you mean about Celebitchy Poster. I enjoy some snarkiness from time to time but gosh it’s so easy to get hooked!
Shersha thanks for the personality evaluation I will certainly take it under advisement. Just making an observation and I don’t think it was nasty. just that wearing 5 – 6-inch heels is not a “healthy” choice. Ask an orthopedic doctor.
Deborah, you have consistently made sarcastic, negative “observations” and comments against the Duchess on each post. If you do not like someone and do not enjoy their fashion, etc. why do you continue to follow them? I do not need to ask an orthopedic doctor anything and I am sure that the Duchess and her medical team know what is best for her more than you and your “observation”.
Did I somehow miss the base smoothie recipe? Where is it?
Oh never mind, I found it! Silly me.
All, may we stick with positive, happy and uplifting comments please. Don’t spoil this site with negativity and arguing. It is so not representative of anything Meghan.
Thank you 😊 x
Love this! I know this is an older article, but I return to it from time to time because I find it quite helpful and inspiring. Also, thank you Lauri for your honest admission! I agree with everything you wrote. Hope we all can take something good away from this article. Thanks again and Merry (early) Christmas, Meghans Mirror!
I’m always inspired by bravery and honesty even though it’s often the hardest path. If we believe we have one life to live why not be true to ourselves. Best of luck to Meghan and Harry.